Explore posts that combine creative writing, fine art and graphic based imagery to develop a free-form forum of expression to invent complex compositions and considerations regarding current events. ART and the CREATIVE PROCESS form the roots of smART creative thinking. Creative thinking stimulates invention and art practice provides the limitless toolbox to build inventive foundations with well-rounded knowledge."


POLITIK GAMEPLAY is the Art of Narrative and posts that provoke people to take a POLITICAL PILL. Look, read, pause, and patiently ponder the political path that put the people in the position of having to fight for their freedom. Consider how tyranny is cracking the cranium of what was once common sense people, and learn to see how the Constitutional conundrum was calculated by Corporatocracy.


This series of posts focuses on philosophical questioning and the process of critical thought. Consideri if there are modern day philosophers in a "Cancel Culture" Chessboard of Chaos and Conundrum? Whatever happened to the idea that philosophical debate enhanced the human experience? When did philosophical debate fall off the radar?





"The Art of questioning, contemplation, gut-instinct and common sense. AN ARTISTIC ARENA and forum of expression that utilizes creative writing to describe inventive compositions of current events, original fine art, stock photography and digital art graphically designed to story-tell the philosophy of past, present, and future narratives. Each project or topic becomes a contemplative moment for peoples' consideration, and is intended to open up positive creative dialogue and debate.


Freedom of expression is the bedrock of creativity… The technological zeitgeist has stimulated digital art, graphic art, memes, NFT's and creative forms of writing and language art to become the preferred new age method of expression.

The question increasingly becomes; how long will the freedom of expression in this form survive? Will the predator called censorship destroy what was once every artist's and creative person's right?

News media trys to tune viewers' minds into compliance with their mainstream narratives and ideology.

Reading, listening, discerning then learning leads your free-will to generate perspective. Personal responsibility requires researching the questions that arise in your mind, to bring forth the "real" truth so you can ultimately learn to see for yourself.

Shelley Batcules creates graphics composed in collaboration with creative writing to stimulate the "Art of Thought and Critical Thinking." It is TIME to develop your own pathway to NEWS now.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/19/2022

“FREEdom” is essential to grow your seed. “FEEdumb” is to succumb to someone else’s greed.

LIFE is a strategy. ART is to learn how to see your path. Everyone is creative; that is a fact. It is up to YOU to turn on that switch.

No need to order it, YOU OWN IT.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/08/2020

BE INSPIRED: to MAKE SPACE inside the last secret space – “your mind.” Create a personal 3-step creative process. Then act on impulse without fear or expectation. Simply put, pencil on paper, push without pressure, to find your perspective that documents your personality.

STEP BACK: look, and ponder, then position a positive platform and path...

From there, PINPOINT: a foundational formula for freedom. Be forever grateful for the choice the Constitution gives the people, to freely communicate with creativity, the freedom to take chances, and be excited about unhindered exploration, in a Republic where we together find the unforgettable journey toward individuality and its core in community...

SO enough said, just sense the significance in the statement: NEVER GIVE UP on what The Constitution means in the END...


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Creating ABSTRACT ART provides people a potential freedom to reach beyond rules, to reach beyond what is seen simply, and simply seen in one physical dimension and consciousness... ART transcends the flesh and explores the excitement in transcendent landscapes of the mind, spirit and soul – in a quest to travel to a multitude of dimensions, without fear of rules and regulations, borders or boundaries...Live free and lift a brush, a pencil, a fork, just put forth your idea, and never second guess your potential. The chance to jump is the starting point of inspiration...


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/25/2020

Being “BEHIND the LINES,” gives light to one side of a fight… To STONEWALL any argument, can potentially show what lies in plain sight, on the other side of the same coin…

Consider: “The SEE/SAW, up and down and up and down go the arguers, getting nowhere fast. Get off the SEE/SAW and show them your meaning without kicking or pushing. Leave them at the top and let gravity bring them gently to the ground.”

Consider: Being “BEHIND THE LIES:” “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. The secret of success is constancy to purpose.”

Authority: Never argue. In society nothing must be discussed; give only results. Benjamin Disraeli 1804-1881


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 11/01/2020

It is a monumental time in life, as I cast my BILLBOARD, as a neighbour/sister to a Great Nation; however, I cannot cast a ballot due to borders, therefore, only spectate the most important election in World history. Good news is, I can still speak my mind, since free-speech is not totally censored yet…

With purpose, I push artistic penmanship, paint perspective filled pictures, showing the clear fact, the World is on the precipice of a major BENCHMARK, a word used in 1813 to mean “a mark on a permanent object,” i.e.: a concrete post set into the ground indicating elevation and serving as a reference topographic surveys and tidal observations. I act through art, make my benchmark, survey significance, feel great gratitude for art as an elevation of spirit where I am still FREE to express…

Now, consider benchmark was re-defined in 1952: something that serves as a standard, a point of reference, by which others may be measured or judged, a standardized problem or test that serves as a basis for evaluation or comparison. Art alerts to look at change, how language changes to communicate “a new narrative.” Be confident about your creativity, have courage to look at everything.

Suggestion of the day: Try to weight-train with books by many authors, be mindful of bibliography, find fact, paint your picture, to see my point…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

BLOCKS on the HORIZON, a painting simulated into “DIGiSTOPIA” that digs into definitions. Under the light lies the dark, where there is order there is chaos, yin goes with yang, and so on… Look up the definition of “BLOCK” in Merriam Webster. I thought the definition would be based on shape and simple function. I once more learn to never assume, or believe anything is obvious.

Definition of block 1/ a compact usually solid piece of substantial material especially when worked or altered to serve a particular purpose. A/ the piece of wood on which the neck of a person condemned to be beheaded is laid for execution “put HER neck on the block.”

Are definitions placed, order in priority or authority; what does this educational tool really teach? Just look at the BLOCKS on her “Event Horizon” which According to the equations of relativity, is information that travels past the event horizon into a black hole is forever lost—erased, as far as any outside observer is concerned. Listen, look-up and learn your own definition of meaning…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Blue Flame is the hottest, most intense part of a fire, the color blue a prophetic symbol of divine revelation, God's love, an open Heaven, with Archangel Michael as representative. Blue Flame Invocations are meant to be performed on Sunday, the day the irradiation of this Ray is dominant. Its most prominent representative is Archangel Michael, whose magnificent appearance and presence has been preserved in the humanity's outer consciousness, if only, unfortunately, at its periphery.

The Blue Ray is the first Ray of light. The energy of this Flame is the first and final synthesis, the source of all the other energies. The Blue Flame is in the core of the very strength and energy. The first Ray is represented in the power of intent, cause, direction, centralization and unity, and its keynote is will - Divine Will. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith and protection.

A blue flame means complete combustion of the gas, copper produces a blue flame. Copper(I) chloride, butane. The University of Maryland's' scientists have discovered a new type of fire, which they have aptly named “Blue Whirl.” This new fire is small, whirling, transparent, and blue.


Shelley Batcules painting, graphic design & copywriting. 12/26/2020

Use your 2020 vision; watch for significant signs this season. Stay steadfast, there are slippery roads and slick sidewalks ahead, tarred by those behind the scenes. Look at life lessons through a lens that lights profound perspectives, learn to turn on a dime in multiple directions, dive down deep into underwater currents, cavern underground, and defy gravity.

DATA-MINE definitive observation, turn the dictionary page to:

ORDO: a list of offices and feasts of the Roman Catholic Church for each day of the year.

CHAOS: a state of utter confusion.

HEED HISTORY: ORDO ab CHAO: 33 degrees, Light from Darkness. Both Yin/Yang are a continuum, a dynamic process of change. As Chaos ensues, old orders are broken down to allow new ones to emerge.

FACT IS we see chaos currently, and talk of a new order… An old recipe, now new “Great Reset” getting cooked up to serve to the sheep to be slaughtered and fed to….


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/21/2020

The contemporary current, “Event Horizon” can be creatively coined “The Age of Constructed Chaos,” making your pandemic paranoia turn into your passport to poverty. Serious contemporary artists are charged with documenting our days, our “Zeitgeist.” Composing a truthful picture of mass confusion to the global community requires Great Courage, while staying calm to confidently chart this course through cyber-space.

Wipe eyes clear of the smoking steam of sensationalism, stare into a 20/20 focus and viper’s vision to verify vices, set a sniper’s virtuous vision on a bull’s eye out of bondage. Ready your right, to remake the recipe by mixing up the media, stir the pot to remember the origin and agenda for making the masses bow-down and take a knee to accepting poverty.

Cook up “Soldiers’ Stew;” stir, smell, then sip success in human solidarity, to taste test your own personal prosperity. Cut to the chase, cook-up an ingredient-filled narrative to suit the palette. Mix up the media: “Black eyed peas, black-eyed me,” ponder “food for thought,” the origins of poverty, powerful history on peoples’ plates… Always be grateful for what you have, and hold tight by fighting for freedom with mindful might…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/24/2021

ART is the root of smART… ART makes the means to an end - GOLDEN…GATES of creativity that “CANNOT BE CLOSED” up/off/ or by #censorship
ART opens roads and routes to learn to SEE vast horizons of Veritas…

WE THE CREATIVE PEOPLE, wage our free-will to: #fightforart and #advocateforfreedom for All People across the World. This has been throughout history, and remains the role of “real artists” today.


  • FIGHT FOR: #art

  • FIGHT FOR: #freedomofexpression

  • FIGHT FOR: #civilliberties

  • FIGHT FOR: #education

  • FIGHT FOR: #mentalhealth

  • FIGHT FOR: #liberty

  • FIGHT FOR: #openuptheeconomy

  • FIGHT FOR: #savethechildren

  • FIGHT TO: Add more positivity to the cause.

  • TIME TO: Step-up and #getinvolved


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/14/2020 ELECTION DEBACLE TIME

“FOREST FOR THE TREES.” Seems timely…? So let’s look at the origin of the concept. The most popular search in this contemporary conundrum is ironically as follows; An expression used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole: i.e.: “The congressman became so involved in the wording of his bill that he couldn't see the forest for the trees; he did not realize that the bill could never pass.”

Grapevines and Fingerprints

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/27/2020 (Election period)

Painting People, Grapevines and Fingerprints…

GRAPEVINES are natural paths of communication that spread the words of many messages, and meaning between the people…

FINGERPRINTS prove the facts, that a person was physically in a specific place, at a specific time, leaving behind proof they were “in fact” there to hear, act or participate in conversation or be a spectator, and finally…

FACE UP TO FACE the facts, the look “left behind by the left” leaves lasting proof, a gestural imprint, a psychological portrait/snap-shot of expressive evidence that speaks a million, or maybe 6.5 billion words…

So, ask yourself the important question; “Who is, in the Middle of the Art of this Political Game today?”


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 11/24/2020

WE the people, will breathe the fresh air of freedom once more... Have faith in a future of FREEDOM...look forward to questing far and wide...exhale in the idea we will celebrate together as a community. The ONLY CATCH?, we must come together to fight for the freedom we cherish, never take it for granted, or believe we are simply entitled to it. The Power elite are pounding back hubris, have bottomless pits of greed, and will not stop until they gobble up every crumb of our core.

Together we can break the chains they attempt to place on U.S. See beyond the false, grasp the vision in Veritas, and always believe in the landscape where the sun comes over a Great Horizon...


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 05/10/2021

SEE the defining LINE in every Landscape… Let yourself dive deep into defining your detail. Cut across the currents. Wade in wetlands. Weather through wonder. Wake up ways to walk across the wetness of water. Swim in the wind. Wash the mind in wild tides. Hear the thunder of triumph. Face your tidal wave of truth… Land on your scape…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/21/2020

Yesterday, there seemed no mention of the FACT it was 20/20/20. Yet, on the 21st day, I felt a reNEWed 20/20 vision, as I could see with my 3rd EYE, and now I know why…

Now, I wait for the writing on the WALL being built for 2021… I have a NEW sense of #security so I #sketch #symbolism to fuel #brainpower to understand the #perfectstorm #openyourmind then #see #forward ……….. #art for #freedomofexpression #maga2021


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/21/2020

In this time, an essential investment for everyone is a sketchbook, that can serve as Your Saviour when you face solitude. I am steadfast in the belief, “a stick-man can set you free!” And to acknowledge all in that statement, “sketching your story sister” sets thoughts straight toward organizing a stable psychological path.

The creative process provides a test: a/ Face your fear by qualifying the conundrum in guesswork. b/ Question period new quotients to guide in common-sense. c/ Tear open traps of isolation by bravely brain-storming new forms of communication. d/ Push pencil to plot new paths, with lines of wonder leading to wisdom, then wake-up to the ways whirlwind confusion is constructed toward achieving collective chaos resulting in control.

Fight for your freedom friends, even when feeling alone, for we are all in this together…Tear off a sheet of paper, then share your Story…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 04/29/2020

This season’s Premiere Show-stopper is a “Step-up/Step-out Power Trip” to the “True North.” Take a chance, cherish a choice moment to tip your toe into the grandeur of our Great Lakes, cull the cure in clean calm clarity, flowing forward following a caustic conundrum coined Coronavirus. Consider the cure can be found during a canoe ride in consciousness…

Come together to collaborate on a cause that captures and communicates a common climax, by calculating a vaccine of consciousness that captures a vibrating visionary vibrancy via the validation of Veritas versus Vanitas…

GOD gave us grace and power in the Greatness and the Glory of the Canadian Shield. Grab hold of “THE ROCK”, harness Harris, achieve ascension to the “A-grade,” reach the Apex of a Superior State of Mind… Lead with Love and lessons that liberate, then loft your Life on the Great Lakes filled with the trickle of thoughts travelled by, and the gravitas gained by the Group of Seven…Happy Anniversary and Hail to Lauren Harris! Celebrate 100 Years of Monumental Canadian Art!!


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

A different view of Superior Harris.


Shelley Batcules painting, graphic design & copywriting. 05/11/2020

SET your compass; find your centre… Time to travel North is NOW! STOP social distancing your-self from “Your Soul(e)... SET SAIL, hear the singing of the Sirens… SET-UP a stimulating strategy to stifle a sense of being scared to swim in the swirl of creativity Remember, rapids rotate circles of revelation into deep source summary… SET the STAGE, signify a show space representing self, showing off a specific sensational statement that SPELLS OUT Who You Are….
Start the Engine, POWER-UP to propeller on a Power Trip” to the “True North.”

GOD gives grace grounded in the Great Glory of the Canadian Shield. Grab hold of “THE ROCK”, harness Harris, ascend to “A-grade,” reach the Apex of a Superior State of Mind… Lead with Love and lessons that liberate, loft Life on Great Lakes trickling thoughts travelled by the Group of Seven…Happy Anniversary and Hail to Lauren Harris! Celebrate 100 Years of Monumental Canadian Art!!


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/19/2019

RISE UP and Reach the Stars this Season eh Canadians… Climb up “TRUE NORTH” tree tops to take in a Fresh Perspective on the plan to provide three nations and neighbours the founding of their future framework of farming that is fair, just and favourable.

Constitute your right to charter “silently in the night” cheering for the Great Canadian Christmas charge toward ticking off the checkmark on USMCA. “Point-the-setting” toward praying for the planting of positive seeds of success for our fantastic farmers for seasons to come. Focus on Framers who foster fairness in the creation of a common foundation to fix the family affairs that can cause us to fight rather than come together.

Bond “BIG” brothers and “smART” sisters together in a battalion of brightness to blaze beauty into an often-bleak looking brave new world by bolstering up the bottom-line then tie it up tight with three red and white ribbons…topped off with a brilliant blue bow tie to show off our strength in solidarity to secure success…

See the Sky in the Storefront

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/28/2020

See the Sky in the Storefront. Look for the significant sign, that calls out to just “step on the brake,” take one second, see the spectacular snapshot moment, that captures a collective breaking out of the box, bonded together like blood, thrusting upward through the ceiling, to bravely embark beyond the boundaries of social distancing, so see through the storefront, sense smashing through the window, to stretch for the sky, and touch the sun…

So, get-up and go window shopping together sisters and brothers, step out strong in six foot strides, get sentimental about how life once was, and still should be, sense the solidity of Great friendships, hug hard in the hope, our closeness as a community will heal, and harness ways to use wisdom through constructive debate, don’t just dream, take back your right to true freedom, to really define life as “normal,” as it once was – and should still be…

Making of a Mailbox

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

I am anticipating good news to arrive in my mailbox Monday as I have sent many artistic meaningful messages. Each day I have patiently waited for my flag to fly, followed by the elated feeling that “I’ve got mail!” So rather than “sit and wait” for the proverbial knock at the mailbox door, I went proactive…

Time to act, get some exercise, get lean, and build a new “out-of-the-box” mailbox. Passionately I plunged into the perspective and thought patterns of homing pigeons with the goal to direct their flight into my colourful world so I would get the good news I want. I gripped my drill equipped with a hole cutter to create a door for every delivery, each window a glowing radial, enticing each messenger pigeon to enter and sing me their special songs. So, Saturday and Sunday were spectacular social experiments offline as the messengers rested their wings.

My mind is set on Monday when flights resume and I am sure my Flag will Fly Straight Up. So Everyone…. Have a Great week of Good News!

HOME is where you find heART

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

HOME is where you find heART. Home the heART, to OPEN THE BANK, take account of the Greatest fortune ever: #freedomofexpression

OPEN your "SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX," take a true count of your courage to create.

BREATHE DEEP, unlock, let the air out, then learn to let yourself SEE the fluidity of fear and facts.

LOOK back at the BOX again,

LEAP forward inside of it>>> look inside/out...

SEE the reality of all the walls set in-front of you from infancy.

Develop a design to BREAK FREE of every BOX...

SEE the door that says WELCOME HOME...

Walk through, open-up for more inspiration.

ART is the root of smART. I walk the path to a new website, one-step, one idea at a time. I invite you into this journey...

Make Canada Great

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/29/2020

Teeter-totter/SEE-SAW 2020: Elections are the “BIGgest benchmark”, the “BIG BANG,” a Global issue, a Game changer. “Power of Choice vs. Persistence of Complacency” is the most important turning point for every humans’ future perspective on this planet.

Together we must, perfect a common vision with “Veritas as our Supreme Shield” or fall to the propagation of paranoia, and pounding sound of false propaganda, with the dust of dead earth covering our entire face in smothering blindness, calculated to choke out our lives with endless corruption.

No more time, to be tender, with manipulative mannerisms, time to “shake & wake-up,” get informed, with good sources. Time for conscious choice; make North America Great. Get off the couch, take a stand, be strong to be a piece of Canada’s Shield, be one Rock, speak up and count. Stand with sovereign nations standing beside us, see Northern Lights, reach the North Star, find salvation by saving our nations. Light your campfires soon, see the spark of a renewed bright beginning when the faces of people breathe free…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 25/21/2019

Today I test a new take on time, space, circumstance then contemplate the construction of a crib that insulates new birth and innovates a new idea.

Today I look forward…face planted on front window to find a cunning coyote casually captivated by “the Big Catch” collective he calculates to capture. Oh, how I ponder peoples’ fear of the predator and wonder about the wiping out of our wilderness, and the woes of wild-eyed wanderers facing headwinds on highways of human expansion.

Beasts are building blocks of our best friendships. Look back-at-the-yard stick of millennia, see psychological significance of the dogma in dog fights: “man’s best friend, ladies lap dog, the doghouse, and dog in the manger. “Bark messages and mark metaphors that lick up lessons to learn by.

Ponder the possibility your positivity will be perceived as predatory, pick safe spaces for points-of-view, be your best friend, trust the gut, institute insight, sniff out new ideas, insulate your interests, innovative your doghouse. Cure whispers of cold wind whistling through cracks in consensus, construct tablets that carve out and insulate the core language to inoculate us from isolation - build Strength in Solidarity & be Warm in Wisdom.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/01/2020

Today I tackle the test of 2020 tides by insulating my interests in innovation 2.0. Some speculate security is sounder the second time around so I continue the construction of a creative crib to insulate the boundless birthing of new ideas. The Goal: provoke the pondering of profound new processes to pound out the positive from the core of communication constructed by past personalities to keep their contributions in our consciousness, focus on formulas manifesting their messages into contemporary forms that culminate in communicating the championing of creativity to keep art alive in the minds of our children.

My 20/20 vision: ponder the Power of perception, position a perspective to provide paths to all possibilities. Rub away the rust of pitted pessimism and rough roads ridden, ripen my mind, and smell the fruits of labour…be grateful for all I have and hone a home that holds happiness - this is finding Fortune. Grasp the Great in the gallows of my Gut then listen to loud vibrations that vault the vibes of Veritas into Valour…

As I said in 1.0: “Construct tablets, carve out core language, inoculate from isolation - build Strength in Solidarity & be Warm in Wisdom for a Wonderful New Year…”


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/23/2020

Welcome to my World - Web wanderers… I welcome you to walk my welcome mat. Wade in the wonder by dipping your toe in a trip that turns your trajectory toward the sky then sends you sideways. Defy the design of doldrum dogma and definitions to take a punch at preconceived perceptions by questioning quantum quotients to quicken zero gravity - then walk up walls to waken wisdom from wise minds of the past. Injection mold intuitive instinct to insulate important entrances to interior spaces. Ponder a path punctuated by pillars of philosophy to open gateways to powerful new perceptions.

Many say everything happens in 3’s…So here’s my 3-course mind meal:

1.0: “Construct tablets that carve out core language.

2.0: Create an identity inspired by individuality that is inoculated from isolation.

3.0: Build Strength in the Solitary Solidarity of Self to be Warm in Wisdom.

Graduate by Reading between the Runic… then rate the ride in this life by learning to see lines in the sand sent by sages…

International Women’s Day

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/08/2021

On International Women’s Day, I wish to welcome in a whisper of wisdom to give all women a wake-up call.

The wind brings wars on our womanly wonderment in wily ways – so watch for the sign posts. Let intuition lead to International Internet messages, focus on fertility that births a new blood flow, umbilical undulation pulsating straight to the brain in the “true” female form. Bravely take bold moves that build mindful muscle in refined resolve. Invoke independent thinking that vaults our value.

See the Saviour in Sophia and the song of everlasting love… “Remember woman - every day is yours to seize and make sensational.” Women are Wisdom. Men are Mighty with us as their Mates. Together we make a “True” Circle of Life…

Be Triumphant, take your Trident, Tell the Truth of your Power, and be Proud of All you are! See the Sophia in You Sisters!!!

HUNTER GREEN is the new fashion

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/01/2022

Be a HUNTER for the TRUTH. Recognize hunting only for green can put you in a gutter. Ask yourself the question; is growing money all that matters anymore?


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/12/2020

SEE in SLEEP to Truly be Awake… To ensure you will be sure, the SEA will rise in the unconscious state… Explore human emotions using the psychology of colour and travel the therapeutic effects, to provide major flash-points to aid a perspective. Colour contributes scientific sensibility, and psychological impact on human moods and emotions. So, be bold, to BE A... spectator with a powerful visual sensory experience that will provoke an open-minded approach to viewing new pictures and ideas that promote the power of new exploration to inspire discovery…

Elevate the experience further, to endorse people of all ages, from all places, to embrace and appreciate, new and unusual landscapes, with the potential to expand their horizons. Be a Ball breaker, be the one that goes beyond the benchmark to break the mundane conscious concrete world of conformity...

See, HOW TO BE, a “Game-Changer” sees innovation clearly on the horizon; act out the risk of grasping the gut, trust intuition to get out of the gate, then make Great Goals giving example to everyone for a Fabulous future… Be Powerful in the Fight to EXPRESS FREE FOREVER!!!!!!!!

Psychic Storm

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/25/2020

The course of our life presents "the environmental experience," which defines what, where, how and who we learn from, then you turn the corner to open channels to distinct personal thought processes, to invoke emotions that ultimately lead to the formation of "what you believe in," and "how you have free-will to act out" the faith and determination you found in that chosen course...

Looking for inspiration, and finding the art of creative catharsis, then applying the act of contemplation, enhances an enjoyment to consciously chart/map "your own course" for character development.

Learning to compose a curriculum of personal choices, and apply the act of testing/trusting free-will, results in pro-active challenges, to create building blocks that form a foundation and distinct arsenal of skills, and methods of communication that define your growth, voice and viewpoint.

The picture, and perspective is then truly yours for others to see...


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

TEST OUT THE FACT THIS IS WHERE WE HAVE COME TO IN TWO SHORT YEARS. It is truly shocking to see what people are willing to accept, and where people are willing to go, who give up their rights to government to force feed good hard-working people a jam sandwich, layered with socialist slavery to push pathetic peanuts crushed from lonely nuts, to leave behind shells that message the idea isolation, is intended to be forever.

TIME to take STOCK in your own MARKET; shave off the fuzzy fable of fake news, use your gut to get bald in the FACT we are being led by FEAR, down the road like sheep, to our own slaughter, which is a wicked, long and silent, socially distanced road, leading inevitably to the destruction of humanity.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 07/30/2022

TIME for a "FLASHBACK" moment. TIME Magazines Persons of the Year 2005. Just look into their eyes... those pretty eyes...then ask yourself the question... Are these billionaires "The GOOD SAMARITANS" the MSM claims them to be? And, have they together created a "Matrix" for our minds and bodies.

Then look up the History of TIME Magazines Person of the Year. Special Note on 1938.

YOU - Person of the Year

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 07/30/2022

TIME for a "FLASHBACK" moment. After posting the insightful 2005 cover featuring telling portraits of the Bill and Melinda “GATES SANDWICH” with Rockstar and Africa advocate BONO as the creamy center, in 2006 amazingly YOU come into the #media focus. TIME Magazines Persons of the Year 2006 is YOU! It is your 15 minutes of #fame, a “TIME” when the media stroke your ego to give you the impression “you” have some semblance of #control over your #destiny. While you sleep in this #commercialcomfort the motherboard of #conformity is wired in place.

Look closely at linear timing when you consider how #history unfolds to set #change in place…then #contextualize it in the present moment. It is the question that drives us…??? So, do YOU feel in Control of your destiny, or are the Powers that are fast becoming billionaires to trillionaires constructing your fate with BIG-TECH Oligarchy?

Look up the History of TIME Magazines Person of the Year. Special Note on 1938.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 07/30/2022

“TIME MUSK TELL” us = you and me, our #future… consider: #interestingly, or #ironically in 2021, TIME Magazine needed only to provide the #viewership for a #king with no namesake, no title required, to potentially position himself as the next @person of the Year to #push the #2030agenda forward, even before #twitter became his next new #trend? Is he the musky smell of the last #human that #defines a new age #groupthink to promote a transhuman #god?

ELON is: a white soluble powder used as a photographic developer, and he will #smell like a MUSK: an odor resembling musk especially in heaviness or persistence, a substance with a penetrating persistent odor obtained from a sac beneath the abdominal skin of the male musk deer.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

“BIRTH TIME” each year is a point to give perspective to the celebration of reflection. My 1st breath of reality was September 8, 1965. TIME for a re-cap, as I contemplate my “media/education sandwich,” and the many experiential lessons learned by walking many steps… STEP 1: Remember and strategically study what socialist socialites fed you. STEP 2: Understand money is not real, it is a construct for control. STEP 3: Recognize when history is repeating…

TIME MAGAZINE of September 3, 1965

Cover: Farm Bureau’s Charles Baker Shuman

Topic: Lost Prototype. Shuman and the Farm Bureau want far more than greater freedom or higher prices for the farmers. Essential to their philosophy is a dream of restoring the U.S. farmer's lost image as the prototypical American, the sturdy pioneer who fed the nation's body and nourished its spirit with his fierce independence, his self-reliance, his courage.

“Standing in the fields at dusk in his faded blue denim coveralls, Charlie Shuman draws new strength from his ally, the earth. His adversary for most of his 58 years has been the agricultural bureaucracy in Washington, which Shuman regards as a kind of socialistic Santa Claus engaged in a monstrous plot to make the nation's farmers live off "sugarplum subsidies" rather than the honest fruits of the soil. Unfashionably, by today's standards, Shuman distrusts government in any form, spurns its handouts. "Farming's Freedom Fighter," as he is often called, Shuman is president of the 1,647,455-member American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation's largest and most influential general farm organization.

TIME MAGAZINE September 10, 1965

Cover: Henry H. Fowler, Secretary of the Treasury

Topic: The World’s need for money. Should the dollar be almighty?

“In Washington late this month, 2,000 men from 102 countries will gather to discuss what is probably the world's most fascinating, most widely, talked about—and most misunderstood—subject: money… As they prepare for their annual meeting in Washington, the men who make up the powerful International Monetary Fund—which aims to stimulate world financial cooperation and prevent monetary crises—are aware that those sinews are more sorely strained than at any time in the postwar period…. One basic trouble is that the world has no truly international currency to bankroll its expanding volume of commerce.”

Did you figure it out yet?

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Did you figure it out yet? The fact, we are all being controlled by a “small box” disease, full of calculated circuits, the mother of all boards, leading the lash of a legion to birth a Global Communist domination intent on all our deaths…. So the entire World can be their playground, where only their chosen will procreate and populate.

STOP the social media stupefaction…

LOOK UP for just 1 SECOND to see where we are headed… As the ancient text of the Aeneid warned; The road to hell is filled with good intentions…. Heed History, as cancelling it throws caution tape across your access to the success only freedom can provide…

Be brave enough to GET OUT of the box, and put your shoulder into moving society toward positive solutions that make a difference for ALL our people – far and wide. Embrace a Global family, NOT GLOBALIST GREED. Most importantly, know the difference…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/27/2021

Does communication include talking to each other anymore? Does face to face exchange, test out our fear of touch, or of finding the truth behind our eyes? Does distance between us, cut the deck to distance, and put us out on the plank, to divide us? Does silence, in this new age silo, stifle us so much, we cannot even send an S.O.S. in the chaos, to save our souls?

Does this common-sense consideration, in any way, cause you to call out to your community, to communicate solutions through self-reflection, so you can take one courageous step, to save us all, from ______________?


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

The Greatness in Grey-Matter and Is “Common Sense” BLACK & WHITE? I contemplate the two-sides of “the Common-Sense Currency Conundrum.”

“HEADS UP” - People need to look up and value “Common-Sense Consciousness.” Cook-up a plain old-fashioned good sense casserole, spiced up daily with sound practical judgement, a pinch of “Free thinking” sprinkled on "Leaves of Logic" – Best served with a BBQ backbone pulled Out of the Fire in that “rare moment” of subconscious gut instinct charred well “ON THE FLIP-SIDE”

“TRUST YOUR GUT,” hold “Old School” thinking, revere rebellious acts, “Call Out” Authoritarianism, remember Revolutionary acts like Thomas Paine in 1776 and the “Common Sense pamphlet” published at the beginning of the American Revolution. Stop Minting the thinking of a “One-sided coin.”

“GRASP THE GREY” and find 90% more efficiency in the Mind's Matter. Common sense is black & white so take a chance on our community of practical thinking people and give humans the honour to rise above hurdles to reach new heights before the robots race over us.

CONTAIN Yourself

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

HEAR ME ROAR: ) Hands UP^, Hands behind your back :( Sign up for Slavery@, check your mark (?), mail in your message/ ticker-tape/tie your rope tattoo tight on your sleeve, slice/dice your wrist with black and white writing of the Globalists’ barcode mark, then “They” decide if your ballot is seen outside the box, based on barcodes branding boundaries birthing bondage.

THEY TELL ALL: “Take the trap, tow our track record, strap into saying NO to Revolution”, recognize resolve to revolve on the devolve of dumbing down into depths of being boxed in, belt-up, be silent, unconscious in stagnation, suffocated, succumb to Sensationalism of Celebrity Status - just “SHUT the __ UP!!!, don’t be a soldier, or whisper a word, shun any Saviour's sentiment of strength, show barcode stripes on sleeves to signify one order…

SO, CONTAIN Yourself, set sights on a Seesaw that sits STRAIGHT, strap in, Ride with Revolution, or face foes and Remarkable Retribution… Make Mind re-make a mission, re-learn to merge Life into Liberation, don't be branded “Borg” where birthing Free-Will is burned…Wisdom will become Worry… Be not afraid, and bolster belief, Together we will never let this happen… Just Love, Listen & Learn…

CRAZY is a Commodity

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/09/2020

Is CRAZY now a calculated COMMODITY? ARE ALL, “so-called CRAZY” thoughts a state-run off to a historical, in the present upon-U.S., Psychological psy-op, set aside constantly, as simply to be considered CONSPIRACY?

Are we in FACT, facing the F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) of a CRAZY COMMODITY PANDEMIC (based on a narrative named)?.................

SPIN, SHAKE then BAKE, the recipe in the acronym CCP… Answer the totalitar..n questions for yourself… Always look to fill in the blanks. ___


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 05/08/2021

Is it time to FALL away from the fundamental feeling of THE FREEDOM to be with family, frolic with friends, go to a Festival, or even feel the need any more to have ANY kind of FUN…?

ARE WE NOW OKAY with the idea that living holds NO LIFE within it?

KEEP your EYE on the “BALL-breakers” binding U.S. in, so hopefully you can see “The Global Gladiatorial Game.”

JUMP UP to overcome the Matrix “JUMP PROGRAM” to define/refine your game plan. Joust through propaganda, punch through placating, juggle game players, secure safe spaces to protect you from organized gangs gagging you with “accepted” ALT-agendas to over throw individuality.

Never give up on the real truth of personal health, which is protecting your personal perspective of WHO you are, not what the W.H.O. says you should become, based on profit…

Please just think about it.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/23/2021

KNOW your RIGHTS. Take the time to search so you can strategize. In Canada, the PPC, People’s Party of Canada is the only Party on point to fight for people’s rights, so check out their platform www.peoples

The term ‘common’ originated from the fact that the law was uniform and common in all the King’s courts across the country. The Common Law is not based on substantive rights but rather procedural remedies. Judges and courts developed the law. Over time, the procedural remedies of English Common Law have developed to emphasize individual rights as opposed to the procedure. Today, about a third of the world’s population is guided by Common Law or live-in systems that have civil law.

Since the Common Law is formed by unwritten decisions from previous court rulings, it can be accessed by anyone through a law report. Law reports contain the previous court decisions which are the primary foundation for the Common Law. The report is for use by the general public, lawyers and courts.

Flowering Future

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 05/19/2020

Required learning to be liberated: remember to make memorable moments, as all of us wade in the wonder of how long the wait in the weight of the world will last… Open your eyes, put some optimism in your oculus, “LOOK UP”, be lifted by the “Light in the World.” Learn lessons about life that stem from special living symbols, sentimentally sent to us by our mutual Monumental Matriarch: Mother Nature…See, sense, smell and sell many special sensations, set a boat of bouquets forth to float in the flight of flowering “sails”, billowing vibes of vibrant colour characteristic of supportive special people that fuel us, and fertilize our flower-filled futures.

THANK YOU, for supporting all of our local greenhouses, and give Great respect for strong roots that stimulate us to stay strong in our steadfast farmer fighter spirit to fertilize fields so we can all stand on solid ground.
TAKE TIME each day to till thought, take off “Rose-coloured glasses,” rather liberate Idealistic innovation; “Stop and smell the sensation in every flower!”


Shelley Batcules photography, graphic design & copywriting.

Imagine Flying Sideways. Oh! Imagine flying at all. For to Fly, will may now be forced to give up the freedom of FREE Will. Just a pin prick to get a pass? Imagine it has come to that... Stop, and think 1st, about consequences, and calculate corrosive effects of corrupt intentions. Always open the mind to ideas that access an avenue to break through obstacles to create an opportunity moment. Look up, say "Yes" to elevation. And know, there is truly no, "NO" as an answer in this life. It is time to get it together, before it is too late, to know, how to fly forward, instead of sliding sideways... Time for soldiers to set the setting straight in 2021...


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 06/27/2021

CONSIDER coping with CONFUSION, in the context of a courageous attempt to CALCULATE any COMMON SENSE behind COMPLIANCE CULTURE, GROUP THINK, and UPSIDE DOWN being the RIGHT SIDE UP without going CRAZY…

How do we CONSTRUCT a roadmap back to a connected Community, with so many F_ _ Ks in the ROAD??? An essential fashion item is “The Creative Cap.” No need to shop for one, you must make it for yourself. Personal Accountability will guide the creative process…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

WHY DO WE HIDE FROM THE FACT, we should consider being grateful to our God given gift to succeed in our Charter right to “OWN OUR OWN” personal responsibility and sense of solidarity?

WHY DOES IT sometimes SEEM, the MAJORITY of sleeping people have succumbed to the senseless seduction of the intruders’ INTIMIDATION, built by BILLIONAIRE BULLIES that BUY their way to “WORLD-ORDER” on OUR back, blood and buck?

OR, does it seem possible, the silent majority may still sense what a peaceful warrior like Ghandi would say; about being “IMMUNIZED to INTIMIDATION” in a time of TYRANNY, when WE ALL need to come together to fight?


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/03/2019

HANG ON to YOUR HATS Heroes! GRIP the EDGE of the CLIFF and clutch your cuff as “the POINT IS TIPPING” as I CAUTION contenders who kick doors and gates with eyes wide open –“then shut”- to smash locks and shatter windows, to rate the book readers’ “CLUBing” from left to right then right to left, drawing Lean Sigma lines in the sand to show the boundary of battering and bruise, the tear-apart-of-parties tossing tea, freeing slaves, to TOWER OVER ALL in their teetering Temples of temperamental temptation.

“FREEDOM” as a word is fighting expropriation, trying to take flight from FADING INTO FAKE news… let the definition lift up by drilling down into the drawing board… let “The Picture Provide the Punctuation”…

CHECKMARK YOUR RIGHT to communicate CUES that challenge the Checkerboard and Chess pieces for ALL children to have Choice!... This GLOBAL GAME is a gamble, the GOAL POST is Giant so GET GOING toward grasping GREATNESS based in gratitude from the grains of sand that show the sensitivity of spirit rather than reconstructing and re-defining ways to RESTRICT Our RADIANCE…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/18/2022

TOUCH is a 2-sided story that stimulates practical and philosophical questions. The quest begins when the DARK diminishes at dawn to touch the LIGHT on a new horizon, to conclude when the light lays down to touch the dark at dusk.

WHO reaches out FIRST, the SUN or the MOON, to touch and change the tone of the horizon?

WHO is the GIVER, light or dark?

WHO is the RECEIVER, dark or light?

WHO lives in FEAR, the pessimist or the optimist?

WHO is FREE, the explorer or the conformist?

WHO considers context, or common sense anymore?

WHO draws the line to see where 2-sides touch?

WHO sees that touch is now discouraged by design to develop dystopia?

WHO searches through the darkness step-by-step to find daylight to open a dream?

HOW MANY people give up and leave their dream behind?

HOW MANY people fight for FREEDOM to fortify their dream?



Just think about it day or night… then reach out and touch someone…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 07/21/2020

Listen to History, let Socrates show us philosophical signposts positioning heart as our home, and souls that station eternal immortality. Live and learn… Consider our timeline carefully, then courageously be compassionate to communicate mutual causes to the Collective Community. Lesson for the day: ICON (1572): from Greek eikōn/eikenai, meaning "to resemble"

ICONOCLAST (1641): “image destroyer” from Medieval Latin / Middle Greek eikonoklastēs, joining eikōn with a form of the word klan, meaning "to break."

CANCEL CULTURE (2020) / CANCEL (cross-out) NULL & VOID refers to popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they do or say something considered objectionable or offensive. Cancel culture is generally performed on social media in the form of group shaming, after which a person is canceled, and are no longer supported publicly. It involves calling out “bad behavior”, and boycotting their work/, and trying to take away their public platform and power. =ICONCLAST (remake 2020) = History Repeating…

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Martin Luther King Jr.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/29/2021

HOW? did this 2020 “means to an end” 2021 work out for everyone in the World: DEFINE: The SUM of all FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real / enter /

HIDE: 1/ to put out of sight

2/ to keep secret

3/ to screen from or as if from view

4/ to turn (the eyes or face) away in shame or anger

HAPPINESS: 1a: a state of well-being and contentment: JOY

b: a pleasurable or satisfying experience I wish you every happiness in life. I had the happiness of seeing you— W. S. Gilbert

2: FELICITY, APTNESS a striking happiness of expression

3 OBSOLETE: good fortune: PROSPERITY all happiness bechance to thee— William Shakespeare

Consider the interesting FACT prosperity is now defined as “obsolete.”

OBSOLETE: 1/ no longer in use or no longer useful

2/ indistinct or imperfect as compared with a corresponding part in related organisms


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/19/2021

UN-LOCK; OPEN the DOOR to your mind, take off the safety face shield, load your chamber of questions, shoot straight to make sense of the Great Simulation/Simulacra, Astrological AEON of the GRAND MUTATION. What came 1st: chicken/egg, influence/crown, leaders/followers, corruption or Constitution?

START with your preferred “shot in the arm” move, to scope-out the “CROWN of INFLUENCE.” If everything happens in 3’s, consider coincidence in 3 words?

“CORONA” 1st used 1563, from the Latin corōna, a garland worn on the head as a mark of honor or emblem of majesty, halo around a celestial body.

“INFLUENCE” 14th century an ethereal fluid held to flow from the stars and to affect the actions of humans, 1658 to affect or alter by indirect or intangible means

“INFLUENZA” 1743 medieval Italian word for “influence” (influentia) derived from the belief that epidemics were due to the astrological influence of the stars. Noun: an acute, highly contagious, respiratory disease caused by any of THREE orthomyxoviruses

“COINCIDENCE” 1605 the act or condition of coinciding, the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection.

Are LIES the New Normal?

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/10/2020

Are LIES the New Normal? Contemplate the “TRUTH” BEHIND the Concept: When a lie is told to We the People enough times, and that FAKE narrative is repeated over, and over, and over, and over, with a specific picture playing on your perspective, to the point of False Flag ad nauseum, it is inevitable, “THE LIE” will penetrate those with a sleepy psychology, and silence the voice of Truth.

This facade forges, forced fever calculated pitchs, and narcissist narratives that will fire-up “The NEW TRUTH,” to kindle Totalitarian agendas that burn “FREEdumb” into the dustbin of history via …#cancelculture.

The only choice to combat this conundrum is to: fight the fake, and FIND YOUR OWN TRUTH by doing the heavy lifting of researching and learning…

LEAN and MEANingful

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/26/2020

Live LEAN and MEANingful… Don’t sell out to selfish agendas soldier - no matter how scary the situation seems. See the signals, stand strong against sloth, stabilize by staying steadfast, then swim in spiraling waters solo. Hit the shore, stand up straight on the sands of new lands, then with shoulders back, boldly embark to blaze a new trail and birth new beginnings… Learn lessons that lean on building resolve. Survive stubborn senses saying you are susceptible to surrender. Sweep away any shock and surprise from six days of “weekness.”

Activate an appetite to set sights on “SIX SIGMA’s to SUNDAY…” So, set the table for Sunday dinner; serve up spicy solutions that steam away the stench stored in stale stubborn insipid Silos. After nibbling on “Nepotismo di Roma”, and reminiscing on forty years of “flavouratism” take a fort night to tool up the meat grinder to tear through tough meat and turn the test into cherishing chopped meat, ground up to smell up, sounds of sizzling, a spicy sensation in hot sausage that shifts the scenario, stifles the status-quo, and turns the table on forty years of fat to favour the fresh taste of LEAN and MEANingful meatloaf that is a mutually magnificent meal. Busy season “aweights”


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 02/19/2021

Do you want to LEARN HOW TO SEE the future? Then QUESTION, how the question is complex, while the answer seems simple. Is FEAR complex or simple? Is the future one step closer to death… Does FEAR of our flesh stop the birth of our growth?

What is your favorite colour? Then ask yourself why. Is your preference the RED or BLUE pill? Do you really research the reality we live in, or say NO I don’t want to know, then choose to consume convenient processed parts propaganda feeds you; recipes TV tells you are tasty, good for your health… “All the body needs.” Mocks Morpheus in the Matrix.

But the GAME SHOW says “The Price is right.”

TRUTH IS, (in my mind) the path to truth is stained with footprints of imperfection, that infuse innovation with the lead down swerving lines, looking toward grounding, to form a colourful foundation in a fulsome community circle… This is the future people wish to see… I think?

Answer: All it takes, is to OPEN your EYES to the fact you are truly ARTistic… accept your gift, reach out…express

The “NEW Normal

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/06/2020

VENT of the Day: The “NEW Normal!” Do you feel FEAR? False Evidence Appearing Real? ONE EYE open? One hand tied behind your back? Mouth masked so you can’t spray out any opinions, blindfolded with both arms tied behind your back, in a back room six feet in the basement… OR, are you feeling secure under specialized surveillance, secret times when you are UN-masked so you can breathe in the belief you are FREE?

ONE EYE is always open and always watching? THINK, then build up your Constitution, take action by voting in the plain view of others to ensure validation…before it is too late to lobby your position. Break away from belief in bald-faced machinations that catch phrase you into accepting this “reality” is “The NEW Normal.”

STAND-UP soldiers, don’t succumb to being “sheeple” being steered into a New World system of New Age slavery. This monstrous megalomaniac form of masterful mind job marketing manipulates the mental health of the masses into a mash promoting mayhem to hem us into their hatred. Let hope heal our hearts to mount this hurdle…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/08/2020

What is the meaning of “MEAN?:” “To have in the mind as a purpose.” In the 14th century “MEANing” was used for the first time, and means: 1/ the thing one intends to convey especially by language 2/ something meant or intended 3/ significant quality 4/ the logical connotation of a word or phrase…

THEN; In 1472: “MEANINGLESS was used for the first time, and it took until 1852 for MEANINGFUL to be used for the first time!

What does this/that mean?

Why did “meaningLESS” come 1ST?

Why did “meaningFUL” come so FAR behind?

What is the MEAN in the message behind that?


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Time to pop the brain bubble of propaganda. Believe in something, or not, “Menticide” is defined as a systematic and intentional undermining of a person's conscious mind. Watch, learn and consider facts in the chaos:


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. GOOD FRIDAY, 04/02/2021

Did you have a comfortable sleep in your pillow-filled padded room? People, punch through the propaganda, get outside, open the front yard, spark the flames in an old-fashioned campfire conversation, where We the People talk about the wonder of where the FLU was this season. Stand up Strong together in Solidarity, and please move forward with common sense.

NO MODELS required

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 04/04/2021

The SHOW is ON for compliant spectators. NO MODELS required for robots, as “SINGULARITY” is the “NEW” set-decoration, dressing up the NEW Global Fashion for Humans. The HOT commodity Haute-couture of Global stakeholders is “TRANSHUMANISM,” therefore COVID gets a front row seat, and naturally INFLUENZA must move over to the side lines of our conscious, off to the right side of the “RUNAWAY” for the 2nd year running.

“TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY” is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence (ASI) will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. According to this hypothesis, an upgradable intelligent agent (such as a computer running software-based artificial general intelligence) would enter a “runaway reaction” of self-improvement cycles, with each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an intelligence explosion and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that would, qualitatively, far surpass all human intelligence. The term was made famous by futurist Ray Kurzweil.

Click the button below to watch more information.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/01/2019

As I poke at and ponder “paradoxos” to get out of a usual way of thinking, I look to lessons in linguistics and language to launch beyond or outside of - to dip into “dokein” (to think) contrary to expectation to create ”paradoxum”.

Test the phenomenon: Break out of brainwashing brands, boundaries and language barriers by breaking “a-part” words to discover new meaning injecting the idea that “all parts are a plan” to make meaning whole. Innovate by inspecting the inside of individual innuendoes that merge into the monumental making and meaning of words that form phrases like “Leadership” [LEAD] – [E.R.] – [SHIP]. “Lead the Ship” … always aware the central axis of gravity, “the tipping point” is a potential ER: emergency room.

This linguistic construct implies the inherent risk in learning to live a life in leadership. Wordplay widens depth and scope in meaning and purpose. Open your gate in reverse, leave it unlocked, read right to left, set your book straight upside-down, communicate cues that challenge the checkerboard and chess pieces. Make your game – deconstruct/reconstruct = re-define…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/01/2020

“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.”-Socrates

Sometimes re-stating what has been sufficiently said by seers makes no sense. Socrates said it ALL…and lived and died by the sword he spoke. I simply sense Socrates’ statements can give spirit to our souls to save us from what we are being fed, a “Philosopher King” can truly see the system slipping sideways... Remember HEALTH is held by a “Good CONSTITUTION”….

So consider Socrates:

“I would rather die having spoken after my manner, than speak in your manner and live. People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid. Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people. Everyone wants to tell you what to do and what’s good for you. They don’t want you to find your own answers, they want you to believe theirs. Mankind is made of two kinds of people: wise people who know they’re fools, and fools who think they are wise. When the debate is over, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

And, “Nothing is to be preferred before justice.”

Probable Cause? & CURE is Election Year!


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 07/26/2020

“HI"…STORY… It’s time I talk to myself, say “HI” to MY story…I take pause in a personal present to ponder my thoughts… I move to make a mark, one step forward into an unforgettable future… “HELLO” Conscious Community, I move my marker, make claim to capture creative process of self-reflection, act to announce ideas HI-story (good and bad), a low/HIGH-point of how we got here, help to understand we learn from past mistakes, be ACCOUNT -able to make CHANGE – not considered a crazy calculation – rather REVERED by the right-minded (creative thinker) as Self-Revelatory.

PEOPLE, pursue positivity rather than plunging into pessimist purgatory. POWER of “the FEW” has forever been the pulse under the problem… Corrupt Power persists in the present. ONE THING remains the same after many millennia – “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”…

Deliberate the dilemma in defining a dogma for Deja-vu, then deal with what we know is backward, stand still, sense silence in the sunset, set sights and steer clear of your Constitution being conquered…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.



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4 The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

5 No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6 The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.



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7/ Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.

8/ The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.


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9/ During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10/ During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimentalsubject.

Can you see the GUESS in the GENES?

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/05/2021

Can you see the GUESS in the GENES? Break down the BRAND in the name, dig past the denim, pull up your BIG PANTS, dig into your empty pocket, be pragmatic, see the game play on words, and think objectively about the answer!

BUCKLE UP the loose Liberal fit, or belt up to simmer in the hottest seat ever in the history of humanity. ALARM BELLS are bringing back the brown shirt ball breakers; bought and paid for- to fill your cup FULL OF FEAR so you FORFEIT your FREEDOM forever…….. to be left fully empty with all fuel left on the floor.

TIME TO CHANGE CLOTHES to purple, break away from being bruised by bureaucracy, buckle up steel toe warrior boots, walk a path with the power of conviction to change the World to the positive for the children. GET POLITICAL! Everyone needs to….


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 06/29/2020

Dive DEEP INside: delve into dissection = define WORDS with wisdom that requires wonder.... Look OUTside: see linguistic constructs of popular words like, “PANdemIC”... interesting split = (PANIC), ironic (DEM) in the middle...Intentional? Intuition says it is important...just sayin “sic” consider it....

VALUE your VOTE for it validates the Valour of ALL our existence. ADD a check mark, Verify your validity and voice. Vehemently wipe out the vulgar who vilify the virtue in Veritas...

TAKE CHARGE, BE!-cause the “Cause for Choice” is right for ALL… BE!-cause everyone matters Right? - for now anyway.... Never tighten the naysayers’ noose to cut your own neck from options that open up opinions, and the ability to be aware, to be “Woke.” The “WAKE-UP Call”: “Face Facts, Face it ALL”, Fish in the deep water of foundation, fact, fear, falsity, family, friendship, find a formula, foment foes fighting against freedom...

Split statements, get sentiments straight, slice censorship, re-read & see Revelation, revise belief in a rickety “Real World”, see secret systems. Be brave brothers & sisters…act against apathy, activate action...All lives depend on it...


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 06/21/2020

STEP up on a Pedestal... LOOK around from on High, get your baring straight, then wonder who, what, when, where, why and how POWER becomes PANDEMIC play-craft pounding people with “Puppets” pronouncing propaganda... and realize your pedestal is their play....

TRAINING for this task teaches that Transparency is tantamount, the Truth in the test & task to topple Totalitarian temples tinkering with tick/tock theories that trickle temperament by terrorizing our thoughts, activate anger, and water-board our wisdom... Let’s look at, and labour to lift into the light into the many meanings behind this message. See, then Judge and Believe in yourself 1st!

DEEP DIVE into defining who you are...This is the Power that purifies all Pandemics...

The Rationality Hypothesis

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 07/14/2019

This morning my Linkedin notifications prompted me to say Happy Birthday to Dr. Chip Evans, PHD a noteworthy person, brilliant psychologist, ground breaking business mind, dear friend and supporter. Chip died suddenly in July 2016 in a swimming accident.

To commemorate Chip I created a visual graphic piece to bring his last post back to our memories in this life and remember his theory "The Rationality Hypothesis" in honour of Chip's outstanding and extraordinary contributions to the world from both the psychological and the economic perspective. I am confident Chip Evans will continue to inspire us here and bring further wisdom up there.

Once upon a time…

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/21/2021

Once upon a time… love was the only thing that mattered.

Once upon a time… marriage and children were the #1 priority.

Once upon a time… we fought to be close to loved ones.

Once upon a time… family came first.

Once upon a time… family stuck together through all odds.

Once upon a time… touch and embrace provided safety.

Once upon a time… doing the right and moral thing mattered.

Once upon a time… congregating in mutual faith mattered most.

Once upon a time… standing proud as an individual was embraced.

Once upon a time… tradition was respected.

Once upon a time… mistakes were stepping stones to success.

Once upon a time… books were burned to blank out all memory.

Once upon a time… common sense drove our questions.

Once upon a time… media took over our mind

Once upon a time… compliance replaced courage.

Once upon a time… listening to all opinions liberated learning.

Once upon a time… we had a chance to fight for freedom.

45 TO 19

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/21/2021

A “45 DEGREE TURN” to reach 19, tells a past Story from 1776…

Historical Fact (in foundations laid by the Founding Fathers), who fought battles for our Freedom, over Fiction currently founded on false accusations, out of thin air, for alternate agendas to access Power for a few…

When riding the waves of turbulent times, the only way to keep your head above water, is to right the ship for yourself, which requires “real” research, to read straight through the insanity…

START BY: caring about the future of freedom for everyone… especially the children…

The ALCHEMY of Framing TRUMP

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/16/2020

The ALCHEMY of Framing TRUMP: A definitive consideration. ALCHEMY: Medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aimed to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold. This discovery represents a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life… So, consider: is everlasting life a current critical quest, and therefore, is the pursuit of money (gold) the healthy or right way life?

FRAMING: to contrive the evidence against (an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty is assured.

TRUMP CARD: to get the better of, to play a trump on (a card) when another suit was led.

THE END GAME: the stage of a chess game after major reduction of forces, and the final stage of some action or process.

CHECKMATE: to arrest, thwart, or counter completely

Canadian Art & The Power of Trump

Shelley Batcules painting, graphic design & copywriting. 08/25/2020, DAY 2 RNC

The ART in WINNING the GAME with the TRUMP CARD 2020. GAME ON Gladiators, PLAY time, as Protestors pound the entire foundation of history, threatening to tick tock test our tolerance for Totalitarian treatment... Peaceful playcraft of propaganda perhaps?? Think about the hardball assault on all lives that are decent, hardworking, ethically based people. How will good intentions be treated in times to come. How do you see Life today as we approach the most important election in the World; Upside down, or downside up? FACE UP to a card game where the ACE of spades stokes the fires to make people scared. Ponder what is really at stake under the Political Chess Board that is burning down the brightness of freedom fought over generations. ALL Business Matters, and many will feel the bite based on either blundering complacency in BIG BOY rules or bold moves to make brave benchmarks. As an artist, it is an accomplishment to put an accent on making or stating change by charting contemporary challenges and accomplishments. Don't let people cancel this culture.

The “COVER-age” of TIME

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/14/2024

TEST OUT THE FACTS BEHIND WHERE TIME HAS TAKEN U.S. The “COVER-age” of TIME, shows the shocking reality in pictures of what people will accept as truth and who people will follow like sheep. How many will give up what little is left of our rights, to governments that plan to force feed normal hard-working people a socialist jam down your throat sandwich, layered with a sweet-talking sauce to spice up your slavery.

TIME to take STOCK in your own MARKET; shave off the fuzzy fable of fake news, use your gut to get bald in the FACT we are being led by FEAR, down the road like sheep, to our own slaughter, which is a wicked, long and silent, socially distanced road, leading inevitably to the destruction of humanity. Don’t let TIME lead U.S. like SHEEP down the same path.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/22/2020

NOW PLAYING; the plot in the “Art of Politics,” the absolute big-ticket issue of our time satirically staged within the everlasting importance of OUR FATE/destiny. The Ticket Master manages minds to “exit stage left,” telling us this theater is off limits to the people, just stay home… Think for one second, see clearly, consider from a safe social distance, there is “A cause” to see a deep stage set-up behind the scenes to censor communication. See celebrities set-up specific causes, lit up to sell limiting civil liberties.

Be brave, embrace boundless brain-power, go beyond the build-up of barriers and boundaries, walk the dog, see through sensational screens that wag dogs’ tail. Be wary of waving left hands hearkening you to WHAT - look over here <<<--->>> Practice pious principles, place priorities straight, capture common sense, verify virtues and vices, reflect on research to right the ship, and remember the sacrifice of The Righteous who risk Everything…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 09/08/2019

Birthdays are benchmarks of beginnings, birthmarks of bold steps, signposts of standout successes, memory markers to manifest new momentum. Age is a number and a mindset, therefore today the 8th day of September, I am the sentimental Virgo wood snake using numerology to tell my tale as I turn 88 in wisdom, 77 in spirit, 55 in finetuning, 44 at forecasting, 33 in spirit, 22 in strength, 11 in liveliness and 1 for one more step ahead. I ponder personal power pounded in paths without passionate parents, wandering in a wilderness of wondering. Truth is today numerology tells I am nine as I remember my nanny. Pain to gain grips and grounds goals to be grateful and give back, to form friendships that turn in into family within a cohesive community.

In 1957, JFK won a Pulitzer Prize for his book “Profiles in Courage.” In 2019, I paint two Profiles in Courage: JFK: powerful father, JFK Jr. powerful son. Their example of the “First family” forms a commemorative birthmark in my mind to adopt their strength in adversity into my art to paint more than just icons of that time, but rather "re-present" their timeless sacrifice and symbol of sacrifice being eternal success for all to see this September. Even death does not prevent being born fresh. I give Great gratitude to those sending wishes. Photo credits: John Jr. under desk: Getty images, Portrait reference: ABC news #shelleybatcules #birthday #contemporary artist


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 11/21/2020

Walk the line, then walk across the line, wander into ways welcome each other in free speech while the right is still ours; so, We together, can spread solutions across the World. Please people, don't be isolated by an agenda meant to isolate us.

Reach out of your home – hug each other, then hear the stories... The heart of our communities is what they, the tyrants, want to stop which is THE POWER OF OUR LOVE. The TIME IS NOW to step up, and out of isolation. Don’t lose this last chance to protect freedom in all aspects, due to complacency, laziness, or FEAR which is simply put, false evidence appearing real… rather take up your rightful rank to… #fightforfreedom #lovepeople #loveall #talktoeachother #stoptyranny #standup #civilliberties #mentalhealth #strongeconomy #stopthelockdowns

The Fight against fraud is black and white.

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 11/30/2020

The Fight against fraud is black and white. So, try taking a shot in the dark to find the light beyond the smoke… use mirrors to bounce blindness to blaze a path to believe, we together have a shot, that sends a message: We the People profit profoundly from “Strength in Solidarity”…

So, be bold, brave, and never break … Do not drink from deep waters that divide us and deconstruct our communities. Sea the rise, in CON-current whirlpools that suck us down… Swim strong, sense the stroke to stride toward significance…

HEADS UP! True currency will counter corruption…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/19/2021

INAUGURATE: “One who furthers the growth or increase of an enterprise, sees favorable omens for success, growth or increase owing to the gods’ favorable omen, becoming the word for the person who reads or announces it, making an augur, an official diviner of ancient Rome, whose job was to interpret signs and portents before an important undertaking, not to tell the future, but discover whether or not the gods approved of the action or office before it was undertaken, which is how 'inaugurate' came to mean “to consecrate” or “to install” or “to invest.”

ABRAHAM LINCOLN 16th President of the United States, 1st Inaugurated on Monday March 4, 1861, 2nd Inauguration Saturday March 4th 1865.

JOHN FITGERALD KENNEDY 35TH President of the United States, Inaugurated Friday January 20, 1961 then assassinated 306 days into his 1st term)

JOHN F. KENNEDY JR., (November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999) lived in the White House during the first three years of his life, and his father was assassinated on November 22, 1963, and the state funeral was held three days later, on John Jr.'s third birthday, when John Jr. stepped forward and rendered a final salute as his father's flag-draped casket at St. Matthew’s Cathedral.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, 45th President of the United States, Inaugurated January 20, 2017 #president


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 05/08/2021

People’s Patios are the “New Age” Political Place to ponder the PANdemIC. Pop the cap on a cocktail in your quarantined container called home, then pound back the fact, that since the Renaissance, alchemists sought to concoct the "elixir of life,” and to date, politically minded personas have found no way to plant-up a panacea, a Greek word first used in 1548 to mean "all-healing."

Do People live on/in an open-minded landscape, or look inside lost to an existential envelope?

PONDER how many postulate, assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary, and push the PANdemIC button as a form of prejudice against any opposition. Detach, detox, deliberate definitions, deal a deck to debate, and find fun in moving forward…

FEAR is the Currency of CONTROL

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 06/04/2021

Some things are BLACK and WHITE (period)? FEAR is the Currency of CONTROL (period)?

GROUP THINK is a phenomenon when a group of well-intentioned people make irrational/ non-optimal decisions sparked by an urge to conform, or believe dissent is impossible. The problematic/premature consensus characteristic of groupthink may be fueled by a particular agenda—or due to group members valuing harmony/coherence above critical thought, when individuals refrain from expressing doubt/judgment/disagreement consensus in the interest of a decision to further the group cause, and will ignore ethical/moral consequences.

STOP THE GROUPTHINK shaming you to LOCKDOWN of your mind! Take a personal stand, with courageous individual accountability, or accept an abnormal atmosphere – a NEW World Order normal. Educate yourself, open your mind before all the books are burned in #cancelculture.

LOOK at the shocking FACTS: Fauci Emails: How Top Public Health Officials Spun Tangled Web of Lies Around COVID Origin, Treatments


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/10/2020

Fight for Freedom of speech, fight for fairness, fight for Constitutional rights, put the shoe on the other foot, put the glove on the other hand... Consider, HOW LONG...., WE the People, have been beaten down… by blows of FALSE media, so-called Democratic-DOGma.

Do we have to lose our freedom, before we wipe our eyes from the blindness behind boob-tubes, can you consciously cut-away to see your/their "real stage" and witness the simple truth; we are being politically placed into a socialis-psych to be ??? No question, is wrong - right?

Philosopher King

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 06/29/2019

Art and Archery, shooting over the Bow, the Tip of the Spear and the Strength in Sacrifice to Rise in Timeless Success...

Please People put a Powerful Philosopher into the present as was once hailed in the distant past? Philosopher King? Why is society stimulated by stirring the political pot, hiking up heat to temperatures creating carcinogenic thought on tips of tongues in boiling conjecture, taste buds tantalized with quick fix threads, blindly wading in churning currents of organized chaos and confusion.

I conclude contemporary disruption derangement syndrome requires guidance from philosophers and past leaders’ paths, mistakes made, and sacrifices that represent their success. Creative solution: carve out a niche in Plato's Cave (get return on recollection), Soul search with Socrates (go beyond to sense), dive into the deep end of "Veritas" at the Dawn of Democracy (check-mark choice), ponder Pythagorean problem solving to prove the point to push out of the depth and rise up to buoyancy, then see positive in the prone position, float on your back, look up, see clear blue sky for all. Take time to be your own personal philosopher - every bird in nature requires two wings to fly, every brain has two sides, yin and the yang exist.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/20/2020

Are WE now looking through the GLASS, to see our “finest HOUR?” Or, are WE truly fighting an invisible intelligence war, that if left unchecked will hack our lives into a change we cannot reverse – due to a well-planned and plotted “Great Reset?” READ UP on it, to truly know for yourself, how Great this threat is to your personal freedom.

ARE WE, truly careful of testing what we wish for???

AND THEN, in the event we are “fortunate enough” to be given all aspects of the Truth, could WE, and will we have the WILL, to handle the hard tests that come with knowing the Truth, and the lies…

AND AFTER the illumination, can WE together, to wire the light bulb to lead U.S. out of blindness???


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/23/2022

Exciting #news for MSM and WEF. KOOL-AID is now offered in a can in #canada Energy #boosters available by fall. #drinkup and get warm by the dumpster fire. Drop your #ballot in the dustbin of history, when #votingrights #matters #think #people #everythingyouneed is at #stake


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/17/2022

Is Canada at the Point of No Return? An “event horizon” is an outer ring surrounding a black hole - a point of no return. If an object goes past the outer ring, it can never return again. It is, in fact, a cosmical prison that even light itself cannot escape, a threshold beyond which no events are able to affect the observer.

My dear Canadian patriots, please consider a few common-sense questions: Do you see what is on the horizon for the newly constructed Canada? Do you feel the pull of confusion formed by force-fed propaganda?
Do you hear the hype and hypocrisy from the hallowed few? Do you hold a heavy heart of hopelessness, or lift a helmet on your head to fight for freedom?
Can you capture the courage to conquer the Communism that is capturing Canada?

Perhaps these questions, consciously considered by the few, then the many, can pull our Great Country called Canada back from the brink of no return.
Don’t get sucked in by the black hole of brutal bureaucracy. See solutions over sinking.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/18/2021

Look away from GASLIGHT: defined as an attempt to make (someone) believe that he or she is going insane (as by subjecting that person to a series of experiences that have no rational explanation).

To be FREE vote PPC, because Maxime Bernier, Leader of the People’s Party of Canada is the best and only option to lead Canada back to normal, and back from the precipice of tyranny. The Uni-PARTY agenda is a 5-party collective moving in one direction, to lead this Great country of Canada into Communism. Your vote will STOP this tyrannical coup.

The time is now to STAND-UP for FREEDOM, so don’t fall prey to the FEE-DUMB false information, and FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. ALL our LIVES depend on every Canadian’s VOTE to stay FREE.

Like it or not, getting political is essential to make critical change and turn the ship in the right direction. YOUR VOTE counts more now than ever. EVERY PERSON MAKES A DIFFERENCE. STAND WITH THE PPC – TO STAY STRONG & FREE.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/21/2022

When it comes to your health; in your own head, read then reason. Respect the right of freedom of others’ opinions, then respond respectfully, and deal with debate. Realize there should be no reason not to ask questions, especially when it is your right to survive and protect.

Research the fact, it sometimes seems fictions have become a foundation for profiteers to forfeit you for their fortune.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 01/06/2021

Teach tested traditions about treading past, or over tipping points, tip-toe through texts/books carefully, and be careful you don’t get “PARADOXed” Revisit the re-edits of what you read, deliberate the dichotomy of definitions old, new, and revised, re-fashioned to suit-up the skilled senses, with sights set on the sport of sensational propaganda or philology. This literary menu, is broken into a simple ingredient list of definitions:

PARADOX: a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true

PROPAGANDA: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

PHILOLOGY: the study of literature/ language as used in literature

WHO, or HOW DO YOU BELIEVE? The Choice is Yours… for now…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 11/01/2020

Sometimes Life is a risk… The DEAL on the Table is “In Actual FACT” Nationalism VS. Globalism… calling it Conspiracy is a calculated criticism to cut off critical thinking; this is actually a consideration to do a conscious “Reality-CHECK,” fact-find-it… brought to you by the Greatest Reality Star in the History of Hollywood…”The TRUMP CARD”…OH! The irony in the Reality…Is it too late to balance back Power plundered by the corrupt, can we all get back to the Normal we once knew…

Please people WAKE-up, look at the Hunter Biden scandal Twitter was hiding, (New York Post) they are blinding you from seeing, let go of fake/paid media, listen to your neighbours, learn from what you really see happening, read what your kids write in their note books, see for yourself, get off the couch and cut-off the BOOB-tube translation. TRUTH IS: your children depend on you to delve into Truth before Truth becomes Fiction at the hands of a Fascist regime who have a formula to forfeit your rights…

The ART of this DEAL is, this Democratic DRAMA represents the “Forever Election” of the “Queen of Spades,” hired by a Hegemonic hierarchy that will hem you in…

The American MAZE

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 08/27/2020

Does it take A MIRACLE to mount/or dismount from the MEDIA MAZE that makes Mountains out of Molehill misconception, in an Order to Master a machination over everyone’s mind by massaging/messaging the ART of Anarchistic Mayhem?

Let’s LOOK to: dictionary definitions, “Mountains out Molehills: to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material, to favor the growth or occurrence of, to cause to act in a certain way, to frame or formulate in the mind, to be or be capable of being changed or fashioned into.”

Then LOOK to: SUN TZU, The Art of War “…the ultimate achievement is to defeat the enemy without even coming to battle…” SO, is the Ultimate Art: Brains vs. Brawn, Talk vs. Temper, Read/Lead vs. Follow?

Kennedy Boys

Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/05/2020

The “Peg Board” Portrait seems profoundly practical “to make a point” with pictures, that poke holes into Political Art by bravely drilling down to make dust, to then lift up the light behind “the pegged” in the portrait of history.

Triumph is - teaching traditional tales that powerfully point out purpose filled people that pinpoint places that punch bullet holes in history. Hook up heroes, hold, and hang hearts, high on halls of honour where history is heard, then healed by our hearts. In 1957, JFK won a Pulitzer Prize for his book “Profiles in Courage.” I paint two profound Profiles in Courage: JFK: powerful father, JFK Jr. powerful son. Father and Sons’ fight for Freedom forms a place on the “peg board” pivot point where the past pivots perspective to punctuate the present. "RE:Present" the Future…to find True Fortune…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 09/02/2019

Life: a classroom, a spin of the compass, path to “sign posts,” cutting cross-roads, journeys in geography to forks in the road forcing choices...Get ready, Set, Step up to online...Go!

The “Power is in the Post” Workout: pick a word and a wood post then write... Pick up pounds of purpose, plunge into downward dog patience, hold the plank of pragmatic process, pound perspective into the ground, massage mindful muscle, follow the fitness regime, carve out "Power in Posts” and build from words and wood to contribute to constructing community sign-posts pointed toward the path to knowledge.

Support strong foundations with simplicity "inline" with a straight forward plan, hammer the nail into complexity while “walking the straight line” with balanced conversation, putting your view "on-the-line “to liberate lively debate and defend the right to fight for fair opinion “online”, always alert about "the fine line," avoid outrage in acts "out-of-line," accept actions after going "over the line" as outcasts are ousted to outskirts "offline," be a seer to silent shadows steering toward a "push to the back of the line," so click your compass for a clear view of “what’s up-the-line." Live & Learn...


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/04/2020

The Time is ripe to represent the reinforcement of love, passionate dedication and sacrifice in ART. As a political artist living in this contemporary conundrum Age of Chaos, communicating on a social media stage requires sacrifice and strength to stand up in harsh, hacking winds, and stone throwing that threaten certain scenarios and specific agendas.

POTUS & FLOTUS gave their lives and love to YOU, the Americans; they left behind the stress-free life; they took a stand - to stand for you – each/every person, in a selfless-mission-filled way to try to open-up a powerful opportunity for ALL peoples' lives… May ALL, in the World consider (potus-flotus) mutual Love…

Sacrifice is not only what saves you – it is the bonding force that creates everlasting friendships! STOP & Sacrifice “just one F”…in -bleep- minute to just THINK! … Consider common sense... research facts beyond “the box”, that was built “to box you in.”


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 12/02/2020

PRIORITY #1: PRAY today, take a PAUSE in protest… Consider through reflection like its already Christmas that is just around the corner, unless the naysayers to virtue, cancel culture out…

Cause and effect is ultimately based in choice… Never forget the many who fought for freedom. Remember their sacrifices that make you safe…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/14/2020

Time to take a Political Pill people. Ponder ripening your senses with a “Red Pill” to jolt your reflexes, to actually feel your pulse in the perplexing purpose of penetrating the power-brokers psychological playbook. Or, if bravery is too bold a benchmark, belt down your “Blue Pill” beverage; don’t care or worry, because the blur of blindness will blow away reality with billboards telling you exactly what you “want to hear.”

But, bare/bear in mind brethren, rough rides and bold moves that “you CHOOSE to swallow” either leads to lessons learned from mistakes made, or rams into reckless reckonings from arrogant intoxication of believing you know everything…

Consider all consequences – carved out on all sides of the dice – then reach out, and “roll your bones” to make a difference…Validate Veritas – THEN VOTE...

Measure with your own mind, read your own route to knowledge… Dig Deep, question well, rebel within the red, then rest in the blue…But never, ever, blur the path to Truth…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 11/21/2020

Reality Check(X)marks the spot. Dominion-ance over “what was once” systems for solidarity, a oneness under the Constitution, now strategically moves and calculates spots in the shadows, to specify the next puppet master pick. Panic, paranoia, and propaganda pound and punch the inner core of peoples’ psychology to create conflicted confusion (within/without) with pinpointed purpose, with the tip of the needle as the presentation of the punchline: “the Global Cure:” – reset/repeat then repress…

Time to take the gags off gladiators, wipe fear from your third eye, research with resolution. Face up to facts to find the fiction behind the cloaks of false prophets. Shake away shivers from being scared. Then, hold resolve in your heart, stand upright with confidence, and remember to NEVER GIVE UP on yourself, and your resolve to remain FREE…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 10/17/2020

“THIS essay examines the idea of tolerance in our advanced industrial society. The conclusion reached is that the realization of the objective of tolerance would call for intolerance toward prevailing policies, attitudes, opinions, and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions which are outlawed or suppressed. In other words, today tolerance appears again as what it was in its origins, at the beginning of the modern period--a partisan goal, a subversive liberating notion and practice. Conversely, what is proclaimed and practiced as tolerance today, is in many of its most effective manifestations serving the cause of oppression.” Source: Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore, Jr., and Herbert Marcuse, A Critique of Pure Tolerance (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969), pp. 95-137. originally published in 1965

Currently, I ask people to be conscious of this 1965 publication and its relevance today, as I witness the contemporary chaos and rise of radical anarchistic movement “Antifa” that brings fascist force back in fashion by Democrats – to punch U.S. all in the face. Warnings said in the books then to provide wisdom, alert U.S. now…

Is History repeating.?.?.? just an old agenda to #cancel the culture, burn the books, then sweep the concept of conspiracy under the rug?

Source: Robert Paul Wolff, Barrington Moore, Jr., and Herbert Marcuse, A Critique of Pure Tolerance (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969), pp. 95-137. This 123 page book was originally published in 1965


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting. 03/18/2021

I just jousted through 20/20/20. NOW, THE TIME is apparently 13:17,2021?... And, now in March, I got a message from THE MATRIX, nudging me to get “Marked,” or be “de-marketed.”

AM I AWAKE or still dreaming? Is this REALITY REAL__ly happening?

AM I being LEAD down the Rabbit Hole, when Easter won’t Matter anymore?

WILL LIFE as I learned to know it, ever go back to Normal?

WILL WE the People, who live under a Healthy Constitution on the fine-line, ever be FREE to FIGHT for our RIGHTS again?

DID WE GIVE IT UP for ONE GUY to forsake US ???

And KNOW, that GUY ain’t GOD!

Save yourself and those you LOVE, with the FREEDOM of Choice, and ACT, before IT IS TOO LATE…


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shelley Batcules graphic design & copywriting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscin elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat non proident, sunt officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.